The sought-after reader connection…
**Don’t read this if you have too much traffic to handle already**
Because if you have an overwhelming response to your content, you may not need to discover how to accelerate it faster.
Have you mastered the skill of reader retention? Such a skill would make you an authority in the space, because most Bloggers dont ask themselves these critical questions in the beginning…
However, if you have not, I’m going to teach you now. Welcome to the RankBrew club.
Don’t be like this guy…because well, he look like a guy who just cannot figure it out at all. The reader connection is a delicate thing, let’s talk about the fundamentals of supporting it.
Here’s a quick easy way to know if you should even read this…Because I respect your time.
If you’re goal is to build a stronger connection with more people through your Blog…your not alone. We all desire community, because its part of our natural need to belong.
Check out these values, that we all have. They make us want to stay around, or keep engaging.
Don’t overlook these psychological triggers because they exist inside all of us.
- Respect
- Status
- Desire to belong
- Sense of community
- Authority/power
- A common interest
- Solving a problem
The list could go on, but these are some methods of attachment you can utilize to connect with your audience.
The awareness of these simple solutions, to your higher engagement strategy will reveal to you what keeps traffic pouring in. However it won’t be the only factor multiplying your growth as a business.
The guidelines to success and clarity in blogging involve the principles of quality and relevance, because without them you’re shooting in the dark.
On top of that, you’ll want to dedicate some time to learning Digital Marketing or SEO success multipliers for the best chance of success in marketing.
Here’s what you need to keep in mind, and practice delivering consistently for your readers best interest, because the readers are the ones that matter.
Once you know these principles, you will feel a wave of relief wash over you, because you can rest assured knowing that you are travelling the higher path.
What Is The Outcome For Readers? Building The Reader Connection
Solve a problem
“What do I get today?”
The question to rule them all. Allow me to explain.
Because science proves that we are motivated by 2 things.
- Avoiding pain.
- Gaining success
Avoiding pain. The strongest motivator. That is because our brains are hard-wired to steer clear of unwanted experiences. If you can show your readers how to avoid pain, you’ve just increased your reader connection.
For example, a painful experience for a business owner could be using outdated SEO tactics to grow their business. Which resulted in minimal traffic, nothing consistent.
Imagine if they were to read this copy, that plays on the fear of having inconsistent leads…
It’s your minds way of keeping you safe, and steering you in a secure direction. You want to keep your eyes on the path ahead, because there are many distractions on the road to success
In addition to that motivation to avoid pain, we have the same desire.
- To gain success.
Gaining success. We all crave it because it means opening all the doors that were previously locked to us.
Take the key and use it. Turn it, and feel to option unlock. In addition to that, find new options you didn’t know existed…
Which do you think is the bigger motivator and why? Science has an answer, but what’s yours?
What can you expect to gain from my post right now? I’m not 100% sure.
However, you can expect to discover why you’re here. Here’s what you’ll learn. please take notes.
- What Most Bloggers Miss, And regret not doing. As well as what you can do to avoid the same thing.
- The Desired Outcome Of Your Reader. What do they NEED?
- Which Conversations Make Your Reader Pull Up A Chair, And Pay Attention
- What Will Make You Lose Readers, And how To Prevent It, because they signed up for a reason. Don’t make them regret it.
- Earning Their Undying Trust, From The Beginning
Blogging pays a lot more when you dont skip steps.
When you finish reading this article, you will be faced with a choice.
A choice to remain as you are, or to push the boundaries of what is expected…and create something new entirely. Make sure to choose wisely, because your choices today will affect the rest of your life.
What Will Makes Them Stay? Reader Connection
- Free stuff
- Excitement
- Intrigue
- Passion
- Solutions
- Understanding
- Connections
- Value
What’s exciting? Free stuff, giveaways, free prizes, new content, more solutions, and more connectivity. In addition to free stuff, you have massive discount options for special customers perhaps…
Free stuff has a way of making readers abandon all logic and tap into that success-obsessed portion of their brains.
The second most powerful motivator.
And if you can use pain and success together, what do you think you’ve created? A recipe for response, because you’re using the 2 most influential and emotional powerhouses to fuel your readers decisions.
And people value connections, it makes them feel secure and understood. It’s called tribe mentality. So why not create a community? Make people feel like a part of something bigger. That’s reader connection.
And if they want to be a part of it, there’s a good chance they’re passionate about it already. So create value, by appealing to their current desires.
Know what makes them happy enough to dance. To feel free as a bird…because they’ve found what they were looking for all along, nestled right there, in your content.
After all isn’t intrigue the prerequisite for passion?
So go straight for their heart, and basic desires as you craft a message.
Why They Leave
- You’ve disappointed them somehow, because they’ve lost interest…or stopped feeling engaged.
- You didn’t do enough research into current events, they found fresher information with more resources and more community.
- Something has gone wrong in the process of understanding what they value from you.
Time for an internal investigation, because something undesirable is happening and its just not right to let it go on any further.
Ask your audience questions. Create polls and opinion-certric posts. It’ll show that you care.
And you’ll even gain deeper insights, because these polls are anonymous, which means they can answer in complete freedom.
Make sure to engage with everyone, of hire someone to do it for you. Or else, run the risk of projecting the ides that you dont have enough resources to handle everyone, or worse. You dont care at all.
But can you get old followers back? The unsubscribers? I believe you can by simply prompting them with a form to fill out, as to the reason for unsubscribing. Follow this with a promise to address their concerns.
You might just make it up to them, because honestly will build more bridges than quality.
For example, you may know the top restaurant in the city ($500 per plate) , yet still you may just take your friends word for it, when they give a hole-in the-wall place, a raving review.
If someone you trust tells you something with feeling, you are inclined to feel the same feeling, because of empathy and connection. This connection with the reader will grow if you are authentic.
How To Build Trust
Get cozy with your audience. Make it a warm, inviting place to spend time.
You should have a sense of who you are speaking to. Which should feel as comfortable as this looks…
…For your audience…
And if you want to build trust, make sure to connect deeper that some business owners are comfortable doing.
Feel free to send personalized messages to highly engaging members of your site, or customers of your brand. They will definitely feel special knowing they got the attention of the business owner.
Social distancing can’t get between the relationships formed with the written word and video content. So go make something engaging, ask people questions.
Building A Cult Of Ravenous Readers Willing To Consume All Your Content
You’ll need to know what makes them tick, deep down inside.
- Why are they there in the first place?
- What pain are they looking to extinguish?
- How can you improve their lives with a solution?
If you’re ever going to connect well with any human being, you’ll need to have a vested interest in what they want and need.
If you just talk about the service and all your company awards…you can just stop writing now. Nobody wants to hear that, because if you haven’t heard it or experienced it, people are selfish and have no patience.
And be sure to account for all their complaints and concerns along the way. And resolve them all. In addition to that, offer even more solutions thhan they were excepting.
Pamper them into a state of bliss. Remember, most individuals are very lazy and expect everything at the touch of a button, because that’s how it is these days.
So dont disappoint.
Deliver the hot, fresh solutions they ordered 20 minutes ago. In addition to that, make sure to have an overdeliver mindset when writing for them.
Give them what they want, because they dont want anything else…seriously.
Build the reader connection. And do it quickly, because the average attention span in very short, but of course it’s very long when consuming entertaining content such as movies on Netflix.
Much love, the Rankbrew team